Tests and Demos
For test- and demo-purposes an eduPKI Test-CA has been set up.
Certificates issued by the eduPKI Test-CA are only for testing purposes and may not be used in any other way.
The eduPKI Test-CA can be used in different ways which are described below.
Test - Web-Interfaces
Using the eduPKI Test-CA web-interfaces every interested person can either play the user role and apply for a certificate or play the RA-role and approve certificate requests, revoke certificates etc. The respective web-interfaces are
- For users to apply for a user or server test-certificate (https://pki.edupki.org/edupki-test-ca/pub)
- For RAs to approve the requests and initiate the issuance of the test-certificates (https://ra.edupki.org/edupki-test-ca/ra)
For the RA-role you need an eduPKI Test-RA operator certificate. Please send an email to contact@edupki.org to get this certificate.